Voice Over

These are Voice Overs done for Colorado Public Television plus a few Character Voices thrown in for fun.
These Voice Overs were done for a variety of clients.
Political ad for a Mayoral campaign~Don’t be afraid, it is rant free.
Instructional video for WiFi at the City and County of Denver~In the style of old educational films.
Corporate Support Promotion for CPT12
Many partners help keep CPT12 running. Here is a piece to help potential partners see the advantages in being a sponsor of local, community oriented television.
Pledge Drive Thank You Gifts
Public Television thrives on the Pledge drive and thank you gifts. This piece is for the Bees.
Here is a piece about the famous Galloping Geese of Colorado’s Rio Grande Southern railroad.
The Denver Bronco’s amazing offense inspired this fun satire of Alien conspiracy programs.
Warning, this piece may offend some viewers and excite others. It is a trailer for a romance/vampire novel.